

AppVeyor で cygwin setup に失敗するようになったので対応した

2022/05/20 ごろから AppVeyor で Cygwin のセットアップが失敗するようになりました。

Starting cygwin install, version 2.900
User has backup/restore rights
Current Directory: C:\cygwin/var/cache/setup
Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
root: C:\cygwin system
Selected local directory: C:\cygwin/var/cache/setup
net: Preconfig
site: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/
mbox Parse Errors:  line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.903 of setup.
Please download a newer version from https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
site: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/
mbox Parse Errors:  line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.903 of setup.
Please download a newer version from https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
site: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/
mbox Parse Errors:  line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.903 of setup.
Please download a newer version from https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
site: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/
mbox Parse Errors:  line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.903 of setup.
Please download a newer version from https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
site: http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com/
mbox Parse Errors:  line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.903 of setup.
Please download a newer version from https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
download/verify error in unattended_mode: out of retries
note: Installation incomplete.  Check C:\cygwin\var\log\setup.log.full for details
Ending cygwin install

issue も出てます。対処方法もそこでコメントされている通りで、最新の setup exe を上書きダウンロードして使用すれば OK です。


Powershell であれば issue のリンクのように書けば対応できます。
64bit 版は setup-x86_64.exe をダウンロードして C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe に保存します。

Powershell 以外であれば curl で下記のようにダウンロードすれば大丈夫です。

      curl -sSL -o C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe "https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe"
      curl -sSL -o C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe "https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe"


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